
A few constraints made this schedule - 2999 games aren't quick and I wish tournaments would ensure that there is dedicated time for people to walk around and really get a good look at all of the great painting and conversions that people have done so that you can properly judge them.

The plan is to start early. And end late. This is a full day of Warhammer.

Here's the plan:
  • Registration: 9:00am-9:30am (30 minutes)
  • 1st game: 9:30am-12:15pm (2 hours, 45 minutes)
  • Lunch 12:15pm-1:15pm (1 hour)
  • 2nd Game 1:15pm- 4:00pm (2 hours, 45 minutes)
  • Judging break 4:00pm-4:45pm (45 minutes)
  • 3rd game 4:45pm-7:30pm (2 hours, 45 minutes)
  • Finish 7:30pm-until I'm done talking.
At the end of the scheduled game window for each game, players should finish game turns such that each player has had an even number of turns, and then end the game. Players should not start a new game turn after the last 10 minutes of the game window.

Lunch and dinner will be available at the Eagle's Lounge - they serve great pub food. Alternatively, there are a small number of quick places to eat nearby - donair, sushi as examples.

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